Sunday, March 15, 2009

Yet some more work is done

Leftovers.  There are some leftovers I absolutely love: pizza in the morning; baked spaghetti.  And then there are some which are horrible: spinach; a bowl of cereal; cold burger.  We'd, for the most part love to have the freshest of freshest for meals.  We'd love to have the first fruits of labor if you will.  However, why is it we give God our leftovers: time; money; abilities?  We wouldn't like leftovers all the time, but that is exactly what most of us do: give God the few crumbs leftover from our weekly spending in God's offering plate. Is that any indication of our faith?  we give God our "disposable income."  Hmm, I wonder how God feels about always getting the left overs?  Like Cinderella?  Even if we can't give 10% back to God, maybe we can start out with 1/2 of a percent?  Or 1%?  

We did some more work today on our soon to be worship space.  We primed more of the walls.  I believe there were 11 of us working today.  The historic 1902 sanctuary is on it's way for a face lift!  The above picture is the right side of the sanctuary.  The holes in the bottom are from blown in insulation.  Today, those holes were "mudded" over and primed.  You can hardly tell they are there.  The left side of the sanctuary is now caught up.  (I didn't get a picture of that, yet.) Thank you to all of you who gave back to God's mission today.  Thank you for helping us clean our house of worship!!  (John 2 - the cleansing of the Temple.)

When we give back to God, we can't always start at 10% because of our lifestyles.  Start small and work your way up!! 

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